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Front Range Review Takes Mudlarking

Thanks to Blair Oliver, editor of the  Fort Collins-based Front Range Review, who accepted “Mudlarking on the Thames” for a 2018 issue.  And thanks to my friend, the artist Marina Brownlow, for introducing me to the practice of mudlarking on the Thames.  Artists and archaeologically inclined persons take advantage of the river’s huge tidal range to discover what might have dropped into the river’s anaerobic mud in London’s 2,000 year history.

Red Wheelbarrow Finalist

So much depends upon…Ken Weisner, editor of Red Wheelbarrow, informed me that my poem about the sewers of Lvov was one of six finalists for the Red Wheelbarrow Prize. This poem was written during Lise Goett’s Generative Poetry Workshop last November. And the winner was Partridge Boswell. Red Wheelbarrow will also be publishing my pantoum, “Walking-Mangrove Suicide Rag.”

I-70 Review Takes Two


The I-70 Review accepted two poems, “Departure” and “Outage,” for an upcoming issue. These will be the 5th and 6th poems of mine to be published by this 2,151 mile long journal, edited by Maryfrances Wagner, Greg Field, Gary Lechliter, and Jan Duncan-O’Neal. By the way, I hope to be in attendance at the annual I-70 Review release party Friday, September 29, 2017 at 7 PM at The Writers Place, 3607 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, Missouri.

Dance Card Filling in for September 2017 Kansas-Missouri Tour

To coincide with my Shawnee Mission North high school reunion in September 2017, a number of appearances have been scheduled in Kansas and Missouri.

On Wednesday, September 20th at 7:30 PM, I will be reading at Uptown Arts Bar, 3611 Broadway Blvd., Kansas City, MO. I’m excited to be reading from Coltrane’s God at the UAB, which is “dedicated to presenting original, unjuried, uncensored performance art every day of the week.” The building dates to 1925, and it hosts a number of community-benefit events in conjunction with its ongoing schedule of readings, mimes, music gigs, plays, comedy shows, belly dances…

Saturday, September 23rd from 10:00 to 1:00 pm, I will return to Kansas City, Missouri to conduct a poetry craft workshop on the pantoum at the Writers Place, 3601 Pennsylvania. The Writers Place “is located in a distinctive, spacious old house in Kansas City’s historic Valentine district, and provides a space for workshops, book signings, art openings, and readings.” The pantoum seems to be the fixed poetic form that is sticking to me these days.

Thursday, September 28th at 7 PM, I will be one of three readers in the Big Tent series at the Raven Bookstore, 6 East 7th Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Founded by Denise Low, the Big Tent Series has been offering readings for a number years in my old strophe grounds. The host venue, Ravenbooks, is a Lawrence cultural landmark.

Saturday, September 30 at 7 PM, Joe Benevento and I will be featured readers at the Writers Place, 3601 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, Missouri. Our readings will follow the 100,000 Poets for Change reading, hosted by John Gallaher and Maryfrances Wagner.