Jay Udall & Katherine Conner keep adding ingredients to their New Orleans literary gumbo. This time from me two family-related poems from a new manuscript. The first one, about my late brother, https://www.nicholls.edu/gris-gris/uncategorized/reverend-golf/ , and the second about my mother, who passed about two months before my brother. https://www.nicholls.edu/gris-gris/uncategorized/sounds-within-the-widows-walls/ Both poems take some literary license w/ the facts, but both cleave to emotional truth.
With Prolific Joe Bruchac in Saranac Review
I received my contributor’s copy of the literary journal out of SUNY in Plattsburg, NY, Saranac Review. It includes two poems of mine, “Firebug!” and “Uprising.” Both refer to racial injustice in this country. “Uprising” is an ekphrastic poem based on Susan List’s painting “Four Arts,” that I saw in a small museum Palm Beach, FL when I was there for a workshop a few years ago. I was happy to see my friend Joseph Bruchac’s two poems in the magazine as well other poets of note, such as Laurie Sewall, Aimee Sands, and Ricardo Pau-Llosa. I didn’t know Joseph was so prolific; his bio note says he is the author of “over 130 books in many genres.” The rest of us have some catching up to do.
Structure & Surprise Features Poems With a Turn Workshop
Surprise Posting of Two Poems in Commonweal
Reading at Albuquerque Gallery
I’m very pleased to be invited to read at Onyxswan Gallery on July 14 at 6 and 7 pm (two 15-20 minute readings). The event is an opening for a show by pastel painters Jane Shoenfeld and Katherine Irish called Abstractions in Nature. I will be reading some poems about painting as well as selections from my forthcoming book Previous Lives. The gallery is located at 323 Romero Street NW, Suite 1, in Albuquerque (505-243-1393).
Latest Levering Book
I am happy to announce that Red Mountain Press has accepted Previous Lives for publication in the fall of 2018. The working subtitle is, New and Selected Early Poems. The book will include “best of” selections from my first eight books, as well as recent work,
Honorable Mention in NFSPS
I was honored to have Breaking Down Familiar selected by Erin Belieu as an Honorable Mention for the 2017 National Federation of State Poetry Societies’ Stevens Award.
Gris-Gris Posts Tiger Poem
Clackamas Accepts Water Protectors Poem
Matthew Warren of Clackamas Literary Review in Oregon City, OR, notified me of the magazine’s acceptance of “More Than a Howl,” a poem dedicated to the Water Protectors of Standing Rock. A number of people gave me helpful comments and suggestions on this poem, including Mary Morris, Robyn Hunt, Barbara Rockman, Kim Parko, Anne Haven McDowell, Gary Worth Moody, Wayne Lee, Michael Scofield, and Stephen Bunch.
Poem Picked for Shining Rock Poetry Review
I was honored to have “The Great Plains in Fog” selected by Elizabeth Tarr to be included in an upcoming issue of The Shining Rock Poetry Review. Her magazine culls poems recently published in other journals, and gets permission to reprint them. Publication in it is by invitation only. Ms. Tarr found my poem in the most recent Valparaiso Review, and picked it along with one by William Wash. It’s an honor to be included in Shining Rock, as the company I’m with in that journal includes such luminaries as Henri Cole, Major Jackson, Eleanor Wilner, Campbell McGrath, Alice Friman, Morri Creech, Tom Hennen, Joseph Bathanti, Natasha Tretheway, Brigit Pegeen Kelly, John Bensko, Jane Hirshfield, Terrance Hayes, Shara McCallum, Clarence Major and William Wright.