All posts by Donald Levering

Big Wind From Providence

I received my contributor’s copy to Crosswinds, IX-2023. This is the contest edition, where senior editor David Dragone and the other editors feature not only the winners of their annual contest, but the other finalists and a generous number of other contest entrants. My poem, “Relations,” was among the also-rans, as were poems by other poets I’m happy to be in the company with, such as Elton Glaser, Andrea Hollander, and Mark Rubin.

Two Political Poems Find a Home on Main Street

The editor of my last book, Breaking Down Familiar, M. Scott Douglass, has accepted two more poems for his magazine, Main Street Rag. One could be called “an imaginary ekphrastic” in that the work of art it addresses, an installation of a fabricated larger-than-life reproduction of the Apache warrior Mangas Coloradas’ skull, is purely imaginary. The second poem is in pantoum form with a non-sensical, actual quote from Donald Trump for an epigraph. Both poems are darkly political, which is a type of poem I think Scott leans toward in his magazine.

Pudding Poetry Farewell

My contributor’s copy of Pudding Magazine’s 71st issue came in the mail this week. My poem in it, “Hipbones of the Patriarchs,” goes back many, many revisions and about 25 years since I first drafted it. The partnership of my poetry with Pudding House publications goes back even farther. By my count, I have now published 10 poems in 9 issues of Pudding beginning in 1995. Besides those individual poems, Pudding House published two of my chapbooks, The Fast of Thoth in 2002 and Mr. Ubiquity in 1997. The current editor, Connie Willett Everett, identified issue 71 as the last one; she’s closing shop. She inherited Pudding House from Jennifer Bosveld, who founded Pudding House in Ohio in the 1970s. Connie moved the operation to Florida about fifteen years ago. Thanks to these hard-working editors who kept this publishing enterprise flourishing for so many years.

Oshkosh by Gosh

Wisconsin Review, out of the University of Wisconsin in Oshkosh, accepted a lampoon of a poem about MAGA maniacs called, “The Closer,” as in a baseball relief pitcher. The last time Wisconsin Review published my poetry, it was two poems in the 13th volume in 1979! Today they are up to 51 volumes. I have to comment also on the appropriately literary name of the current editor, Quill Graham.

Press Women Impressed by Breaking Down Familiar

For the third time, a book of mine has taken first place in the New Mexico Press Women’s Communication Contest in the category of Creative Verse-Book of Poetry. The 2023 winner, Breaking Down Familiar, will now be forwarded by the NM chapter to compete in the National Press Women Contest in the same category. Previous books of mine to be so honored are The Water Leveling With Us and Coltrane’s God.

Not a Pop Poem

COLA magazine has nothing to do with the popular pop (does anybody say “pop” for “soft drink” anymore?). It’s the literary journal of the University of South Carolina, and “Cola” is a nickname for that state’s capital city, Columbia. The journal’s Senior Editor, Samantha Liming, accepted my rather bleak poem about the breeding of mad cow disease, called “Mad Cow Ghazal.” And I see my friend Lauren Camp has also been published in COLA.


Crosswinds editor David Dragone and staff run a contest every year for a single poem. As often happens with these kinds of contests, first the editors identify contestants’ poems that they want to publish, and then they forward those poems to the final judge to decide finalists for the various prizes. So this is the second time a poem of mine has made it to the first tier of the Crosswinds contest (this year’s judging isn’t complete), meaning it will be published regardless of whether it makes it to one be one of the prizewinners. The poem “Relations” ponders inherited fate and one’s relations to the ancestors, which I suppose poets always have and always will write about.

Bristlecone Pops Up Once More With Four

I am honored that the editors of Bristlecone, Jim Keller, Murray Moulding, Sandra S. McRae, and Joseph Hutchison, have included four of my poems in their January 2023 issue. Bristlecone is an online journal, and it features writers of the Mountain West. Three of my poems in this issue concern painting, two of those ekphrastic (one on a painting by Jane Shoenfeld), and the other is the song of carpet moths cheerily devouring a Navajo weaving. BRISTLECONE

The Proof’s in the Pudding

The acceptance of my poem, “Hipbones of the Patriarchs,” by Pudding editor Connie Willett Everett represents a happy confluence of loyalty and persistence. This poem has been through innumerable revisions since it was written last century on an Apple II-E computer. It has also undergone countless editors’ rejections since then until the version finalized in August of this year and taken by Connie today to be published in her first edition of 2023. Pudding, or as it used to be called under a previous editor, Pudding House, and I also go back a ways. To wit, Pudding House published my 3rd chapbook, Mr. Ubiquity, in 1997 and my 4th chapbook, The Fast of Thoth, in 2002. Additionally, “Hipbones of the Patriarchs” will be my 10th individual poem published by Pudding magazine since 1995.

Verse Daily to Repost Poem

The well-known poet, editor, and ventriloquist J. P. Dancing Bear has snagged a poem from Breaking Down Familiar to re-post in his online publication. Verse Daily culls current poetry book and journal publications to feature one poem a day in its widely viewed online magazine. The short poem, “Rights,” broaches several topics–damaging strokes, patriarchal family domination, filial fear and obedience.