Today I was notified that my book manuscript, A Fortune of Doors, was long-listed (one of ten) for the Regal House Terry J. Cox Award. To me there was some ambiguity in the way the notice was worded as to whether it still has a chance to win. In any case, the winner is supposed to be announced April 15, 2025. By that point I suppose the ambiguity will have been dispelled. That manuscript was submitted January 27; in the meantime I have revised it to change the sequence of the poems, edit a number of them, and have retitled it, Sugar Out of Dirt. In case you’re wondering about the new title, the manuscript includes the poem “Treelike,” in which the Green Man (who first appearance was in my first book, The Jack of Spring) is quoted, “Trees make sugar… out of / sunlight, water, and dirt. Doesn’t / that beat what most humans do?